In most Moravian congregations in Britain, holy communion is celebrated once a month.
Some Moravian congregations in Britain celebrate the Lovefeast with simple refreshments and singing of hymns as a way of preparing for communion.
She then returned to Europe to resume her work among the various Moravian congregations.
In 1865, Salem played a significant part in creating a new Moravian congregation in Westwood in Oldham.
Moravian congregations still observe the Watch Night service on New Year's Eve.
Some Moravian congregations have congregation members who build and sell the stars as fund raisers.
Wheler Street was the first Moravian congregation in the United Kingdom to have a Scout Troop.
Brass music, congregational singing and choral music continue to be very important in Moravian congregations.
The boys lived with the families of the village, which was owned and governed by the local Moravian congregation.
For Christian companionship he enjoyed the company of Moravian missionaries and their black converts and preached regularly to the Moravian congregation.