Five more bodies were found in a burned house belonging to a cult leader in Morin Heights, Quebec.
Lac Sir John, a small lake near Lachute and Morin Heights, Quebec is named after him.
He and his wife moved to Canada three years ago and lived at St. Sauveur, another ski resort community about five miles east of Morin Heights.
Five more people died in Morin Heights, a ski resort north of Montreal.
Le Studio was a recording studio located just south of the town of Morin Heights, Quebec.
In 1994, another important music recording facility was built in Morin Heights, on the northern edge of town.
I'll run this past the guys who worked Morin Heights.
Do you know what went down in Morin Heights?
Morin Heights was the kickoff for the fireworks overseas.
The most extensive trail systems are at Morin Heights, the Mont Tremblant-St.