The work contains many distinctive Mormon doctrines such as exaltation.
This is not duplicity but a consequence of the very different meanings Mormon doctrine attaches to words it shares with historic Christianity.
During all of his political campaigns, Romney has avoided speaking publicly about Mormon doctrines, referring to the U.S. Constitution's prohibition of religious tests for public office.
Distinctive Mormon doctrines include belief in a plurality of Gods.
However, Mormon doctrine differs from Arianism in a number of ways, particularly in the doctrines of eternal progression and exaltation.
Cochranism may have influenced the Mormon doctrines of plural marriage and the United Order, as well as the free love practice called complex marriage once favored by the Oneida Community.
Now that she has been confirmed, Mrs. Vogt will receive weekly visits from church members, who will teach her Mormon doctrine and history.
On most religious issues, Book of Mormon doctrines are similar to those found in the Bible and among other Christian denominations.
Mormon doctrine holds that some people are predestined to carry a certain amount of "spirit" children into earthly form so the offspring can then return to a blissful afterlife.
Pratt has been called "the Apostle Paul of Mormonism" for his promotion of distinctive Mormon doctrines.