A year after that, on June 14, 1990, Lisa Rodriguez was seen for the last time on Morrison Avenue.
The boundary then went southwards from a point starting across the street from Morrison Avenue on Harvie Avenue.
Franklin Guzman, 24, of Morrison Avenue, is still a fugitive.
On Jan. 5, 2003, the police say, the same man dragged a 19-year-old woman into an alley near Morrison Avenue and raped her.
The House at 197 Morrison Avenue is a historic house in Somerville, Massachusetts.
Fire officials said the fire started about 6 a.m. in a fourth-floor apartment of a six-story brick apartment building at 1145 Morrison Avenue.
Paul McIntosh, of 1247 Morrison Avenue in the West Farms section of the Bronx, was charged with attempted murder.
Closing Junior High School 123, at 1025 Morrison Avenue, throws into disarray the plans of the 700 students who had expected to attend it next month.
Mr. Quartararo, who has been a teacher for 31 years, works at Junior High School 123 at 1025 Morrison Avenue.
The driver, Carlos Pena, 46, was found in his car about 10:30 p.m. Wednesday at East 172nd Street and Morrison Avenue.