Moss Point and Escatawpa were also affected.
After he left football, he was a professional wrestler for a few years before returning to Moss Point, where he operated a small farm.
In Moss Point, the rainfall resulted in flooding which entered 15 to 20 houses and several cars.
His dad worked as an accountant at International Paper in Moss Point, Mississippi.
Jackson was born in Moss Point, Mississippi.
The wastes, up to 50 tons a day, would come from all over the region to Pascagoula's incinerator - which is in Moss Point.
And when it opened in 1985, Moss Point was simply pleased to have its own garbage burned.
He was born in Moss Point, Mississippi.
Moss Point is a city in Jackson County, Mississippi.
In addition to Moss Point, the district also serves the communities of Escatawpa and Helena.
Moss Point and Escatawpa were also affected.
After he left football, he was a professional wrestler for a few years before returning to Moss Point, where he operated a small farm.
In Moss Point, the rainfall resulted in flooding which entered 15 to 20 houses and several cars.
His dad worked as an accountant at International Paper in Moss Point, Mississippi.
Jackson was born in Moss Point, Mississippi.
The wastes, up to 50 tons a day, would come from all over the region to Pascagoula's incinerator - which is in Moss Point.
And when it opened in 1985, Moss Point was simply pleased to have its own garbage burned.
He was born in Moss Point, Mississippi.
Moss Point is a city in Jackson County, Mississippi.
In addition to Moss Point, the district also serves the communities of Escatawpa and Helena.