Here it is sung at the close of the first act by the Mother Abbess.
In the original stage play, the Mother Abbess sings the song at the end of the first act.
As your Mother Abbess I have something to tell you.
I wish you every good fortune in your search for the Mother Abbess and her companions.
Mother Abbess always appoints me in her place when she isn't here, so if you don't mind I'll take charge.
Mother Abbess, will you please tell us what is going on here?
Any resentment or grievance you hold must be against me, and not our Mother Abbess.
The Mother Abbess showed me their attendance records herself, all the way back to 1925.
I went to the Mother Abbess, but she wouldn't listen to me.
Mother Abbess was far too upset by your disgraceful behavior to speak to you; therefore it is my painful duty to do this.