Motorola executives say they would punish any employee responsible for violence.
Motorola executives said they believed the two systems would appeal to different markets.
Some Motorola executives are going to unusual lengths to better understand such problems.
And Motorola executives made clear yesterday that they were determined to fine-tune their technology.
Motorola executives said demand for the new microprocessor would exceed the company's production capabilities until the second half of 1991.
Motorola executives say such multiple-system phones should be ready later this year.
Motorola executives saw the shift coming but did not expect it to come so swiftly, they now acknowledge.
Motorola executives said sales and profits in many units were up more than 20 percent.
It backed away when a Motorola executive applied the stickers personally.
A Motorola executive said that the radiation from the system is one ten-thousandth the level of current Government safety standards.