Scot had guessed as much when he'd retrieved the shattered Motorola radio from the man's pocket.
The old Motorola radio was on the shelf where she remembered it.
Their Motorola personal radio fit in back in a watertight bag.
All of the men wore their Motorola radios with lip mike and earphones.
There were also six rovers - Motorola two-way radios - and a main communications console on the table, ready to be used as needed.
"We were lucky that we could afford a $600 Motorola radio, which is what kept us in touch," she said.
He also turned the Motorola radio in the car off.
The contract was awarded without bidding, fire officials said, because the department determined that the Motorola radios were the only ones that met their needs.
Otherwise, the Motorola radio was the easiest to use without consulting the manual.
Each car was also fitted with a Motorola radio.