Artists are moving there, especially to Mott Haven, a neighborhood south of the museum.
Of the district's 80,300 residents, an estimated 38,000 live in Mott Haven.
Mott Haven is a high density neighborhood with a population roughly 50,000 within a square mile.
Mott Haven, city officials say, is unlikely to get any more homeless shelters.
But in Mott Haven, by and large, they are not.
But he still wonders if moving to Mott Haven was the right decision.
Still, the drug problems in Mott Haven are far from over.
Late in the 20th century the name was sometimes applied to the area to the west, into Mott Haven.
A young man on a bicycle shot three people last evening in Mott Haven, the police said.
Mott Haven is the only neighborhood in the city that has two new shelters for homeless families three blocks from each other.