"Straight ahead is Mount Beacon," he says, pointing with his Fresca bottle.
What's interesting is, Mount Beacon is where they first identified a separate species of hemlock.
Also available is a more traditional house, a four-bedroom Cape Cod on 1.7 acres on Mount Beacon with panoramic views and a stone fireplace, for $349,900.
Main Street is bounded by the Hudson River to the west; Mount Beacon, with its 1,500-foot peak, and its 32 miles of public trails, is to the east.
Outdoors, they enjoy hiking to the top of Mount Beacon, a 1,500-feet-high peak in neighboring Beacon along the Hudson River.
The 102.1 frequency transmits its signal from Mount Beacon atop the Marin Headlands above Sausalito, California.
Beacon also sits with the famous Mount Beacon as its backdrop and the Hudson River as its front door.
A very large state park that covers Mount Beacon.
Farther out, toward Mount Beacon, landowners have bought large areas, carved out new roads in the hills, renovated and rented out older buildings, and built new structures.
The town was named for the signal fires set on Mount Beacon during the Revolution.