The town is located on the eastern slopes of Mount Cameroon and has a population of 90,088 (at the 2005 Census).
Sacred forests and groves in the national park have significantly higher plant species diversity than in nearby Mount Cameroon.
Tourists hike, rock climb, and mountaineer, especially up Mount Cameroon.
They live in over 100 villages east and southeast of Mount Cameroon with Buea their main population centre.
Its soils are among Cameroon's most fertile, especially around volcanic Mount Cameroon.
Mount Cameroon has the most frequent eruptions of any West African volcano.
The Bamboko probably moved to Mboko, the area southwest of Mount Cameroon, in the early 17th century.
To the west of the estuary, the slopes of Mount Cameroon are covered with banana plantations.
In the former western state, however, the mass of Mount Cameroon reaches almost to the sea.
Mount Cameroon also lies on this fault line.