The colouring of the concrete was obtained through the addition of volcanic ash from Mount Lassen to the mix.
Visitors may be inspired by vistas of Mount Shasta, Mount Lassen and other nearby peaks.
Mount Lassen last erupted in 1918.
Tehama's remains sit under Mount Lassen in Shasta County, California.
The flower is a resident of Mount Lassen, from which it gets its name.
He was the first geologist to publish a proposal that Mt. Shasta or Mount Lassen erupted in 1786.
Shingletown is a small town located along California State Route 44 in the hills just below Mount Lassen.
In 1948, he did a straight schuss at the Inferno Race on Mount Lassen.
For example, the eleventh grade always travels to Mount Lassen in the fall where it studies astronomy.
Some authorities, such as the Smithsonian, consider the eruption of Mount Lassen to have ended on June 29, 1917.