At Stowe, Mount Mansfield's four trails designated most difficult are off-limits to snowboarders.
Two computer terminals have been set up in the Octagon Restaurant near the 4,393-foot peak of Mount Mansfield.
The ski area is composed of Mount Mansfield and Spruce Peak.
One thrilling run down Mount Mansfield, though, with perhaps the most challenging terrain east of the Rockies, and all is forgiven.
Stowe became a summer resort in the 19th century, when a toll road brought carriages to a grand hotel at the 4,393-foot summit of Mount Mansfield.
The road cuts through Mount Mansfield.
Mount Mansfield has several hiking trails which lead to the summit.
Wilson won the women's five-kilometer race at Mount Mansfield in 16 minutes 34 seconds.
The same was true at Mount Mansfield in Vermont and dozens of other mountains.
A lift opening this winter will take skiers from Spruce Peak over to Mount Mansfield.