He read a story from a local newspaper that said Mount St. Mary's should win the race in record time and Arkansas would be far behind.
The team reached the Northeast Conference championship game last year but lost to Mount St. Mary's.
Flecks of it fell like ash from Mount St. Helen's, or so it seemed to him.
Many national level swimmers have been produced by Mount St. Mary's.
The estimated cost to put in a network that would cover the area needed for the dormitories at Mount St. Mary's was $10,000 to $15,000.
Mount St. Mary's won the opening round game.
Mount St. Mary's will face Drexel Thursday for the tournament championship.
But conservative at Mount St. Mary's does not mean sour or grim.
Certainly there is a passionate devotion to the Pope among the men of Mount St. Mary's.
Mount St. Mary's is 4-2 this season.