At its east end, the Bridgeport Subdivision becomes the Mountain Subdivision; its west end is at the Short Line Subdivision.
To the southwest it joins the Mountain Subdivision leading to Grafton, West Virginia.
Today, that same spot is crossed by CSX's Mountain Subdivision.
"Mountain Subdivision: Eastern Approach."
At its east end, the Mountain Subdivision becomes the Cumberland Terminal Subdivision at Beall Street.
The Mountain Subdivision was opened in 1852 as part of the B&O's main line.
It is presently owned and operated by CSX Transportation on its Mountain Subdivision.
The Mountain Division (later the Mountain Subdivision) is a railroad line that was once owned and operated by the Maine Central Railroad.
MD 39 begins at the West Virginia state line in Hutton adjacent to CSX's Mountain Subdivision.
After crossing over the Mountain Subdivision tracks, the state highway meets its eastern terminus at US 219.