Mr. Bush criticized Congress as blocking what he said were his efforts to "tackle the urgent problems on the home front."
Administration officials reject the charge that Mr. Bush has never criticized Israel.
But those commercials were to be mixed with, and not replace, advertising that criticizes Mr. Bush.
In the campaign, Mr. Bush criticized his predecessor for entering regional conflicts without an exit strategy.
Then Mr. Bush criticized them for balancing the budget "on the backs of the poor," and his poll ratings rose.
Mr. Bush has criticized the Clinton administration for opposing the Breaux plan.
Until now, Mr. Bush has criticized the Democratic candidates as a group, not individually.
Mr. Bush criticized the Administration for not loosening immigration restrictions that would allow technology companies to recruit more workers.
They further point out that Mr. Bush had also criticized the route as "a problem."
Mr. Bush and others criticize those who are skeptical of democracy in the Arab world.