Mr. Bush denounced the current government and the method of selecting the next president.
Mr. Bush denounced the culture of Washington with its constant "second-guessing" - as he often did during the rough patches of his presidential campaign.
Last year, Mr. Bush denounced that provision of the Senate bill, saying it would pay welfare recipients to attend college for five years.
Mr. Bush denounced that offer as "a cruel hoax" and "dead on arrival."
Mr. Bush denounced critics who described his plan as a giveaway for the timber industry.
The Administration has threatened to veto the measure, which Mr. Bush has repeatedly denounced as a budget buster.
Mr. Bush denounced the legislation at a news conference on Tuesday.
Mr. Bush denounced those who have called for a law enforcement approach to fighting terrorism.
Mr. Bush has already denounced such criticisms as "class warfare," though White House officials are sensitive about the issue.