The White House stopped short of threatening a veto, and few if any lawmakers expect Mr. Bush to invoke one.
Mr. Bush can invoke Ronald Reagan as if he invented him, instead of the other way around.
Mr. Bush invokes the need for savings to justify more tax incentives as well as his plan to overhaul Social Security.
But Mr. Bush has so far not invoked that privilege.
Mr. Bush portrayed himself as someone pursuing a solution driven by common sense, not party ideology, and invoked a former Democratic president for that purpose.
Mr. Bush invoked the same sentiments.
Mr. Bush invoked the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks several times in casting the election as a big choice for the American people.
Mr. Bush invoked that spirit to suggest that he would not give up on his belief that Iraq can be made stable.
This is not the first time Mr. Bush has invoked Van Buren's name.
Mr. Bush has invoked the evangelical war cry, arguing that religion is under attack at a time when it is actually flourishing as never before.