Mr. Flowers, who later served a prison term for bribery, was 88.
Mr. Flowers thought it sounded like a great investment opportunity, but he did not immediately pursue the deal.
Mr. Flowers did not get involved until someone else called him and suggested it, he said.
"A perfectly good business got hit out of left field," Mr. Flowers said.
They could not tell whether the child was a boy or a girl, Mr. Flowers said.
Mr. Flowers said senior security officials were still adjusting plans as each day provided more practical information about the need for changes.
Mr. Flowers has had more success in other deals.
Mr. Flowers said that as part of the reorganization the mortgage would be cut further to $3 million and the taxes reduced to about $250,000.
"If a person is working between the hours of 8 and 5, we won't call until the evening," Mr. Flower said.
Mr. Flower said that pending the outcome of an environmental study, construction is expected to begin in the summer.