It also features belly dancing by Pure and music by Mr. Kite.
Mr. Kite kept a wary eye on several men loitering just across the border, singling out one perched atop a billboard.
Mr. Kite has accused Father Ritter of lavishing money and gifts on him in return for sexual favors.
Mr. Kite has said he was never in fear of his life.
Mr. Kite said he pretended to have lost his card and was given Timothy's number.
Lennon immediately responds, "Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!"
We pay taxes and everything," replied Mr. Kite.
So they all had another drink on that, for the benefit of Mr. Kite.
Mr. Kite, who denied that he feared for his life, also used Timothy's Social Security number.
Mr. Kite is cooperating in the investigation.