Some MySpace users also reported that when they tried to download videos from YouTube, a patch of white space appeared instead.
Ever-sensitive to corporate meddling, many MySpace users got angry.
Despite the site's legacy, 62 percent of MySpace users check the service less often than a few weeks or never.
The technology will compare the names on the databases with the 135 million MySpace users.
Recently, however, the company has blocked the efforts of several companies to advertise to MySpace users or otherwise make money through those tools.
The cover was also shown to MySpace users that had added the band in a bulletin.
For MySpace users, the music content is a draw, giving them something to talk about online.
At issue are the thousands of music videos uploaded by MySpace users.
It will promote influential MySpace users and content curators across the site.
If you were a MySpace user - I'm not.