The settlement in this phase lived under the strong influence of the Mycenaean civilization on the Greek mainland.
The Mycenaean civilization is named after the town.
During the Helladic period it was part of the Mycenaean civilisation.
The regions from which they came were centers of Mycenaean civilization although the languages they spoke remain unknown.
The succeeding Mycenaean civilization emphasized the breast, which had a special cultural and religious significance.
To what extent does Homer give a true picture of Mycenaean civilisation?
Several explanations have been advanced for the causes of the decline of Mycenaean civilization in this period.
It disappeared with the fall of Mycenaean civilization.
Home to important leaders and/ or kings, it is certain that the ruins of an ancient Mycenaean civilization exist in the area.
Most people agree that it came after the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations.