TVC sent a letter of protest to NBC producers, reacting to their portrayal on the show.
Returns have so diminished that one NBC producer said that in four years, the network might leave coverage of the conventions to its 24-hour cable channel.
The most revealing moment came off camera, after Ms. Pelosi, an NBC producer, had gotten into a spat with the reporters on the plane.
In 2006, former NBC producer Bret Marcus took over as executive producer.
His father, Sy Kravitz, is a retired NBC producer.
Nathanson was, and still is, a top NBC producer.
Her performance on 227 inspired NBC producers to create a television pilot for her entitled Jackée.
GM found that an NBC producer had attached flares to ignite the spilled gas in a staged collision.
News writers and producers may be supervised, but the process is collegial, with considerable give and take, senior NBC producers said in court.
An NBC producer paid for John's pictures to be developed, and bought two pictures of the memorials for $125 apiece.