He was one of only seven replacement players on the Lions who had prior NFL experience.
His only NFL experience came with the Bengals in 2002.
In 2001, Zierlein gained his first NFL experience with the Cleveland Browns.
The Panthers also had a few key players with NFL experience.
His last NFL experience was with the Philadelphia Eagles, who released him in 1971.
In June 2011, the Nighthawks dropped several players with NFL experience, including June.
As in the 1937 roster was, the this year team is mostly rookies and players with 1 or 2 years NFL experience.
As his NFL experience grew, he also saw time on special teams and special situations on defense.
Anderson's 23 years of NFL experience have enabled her to become one of the most innovative and versatile front office executives among women in professional sports.
With his size and his NFL experience he will be a real asset to our offensive line.