The 26-founding members includes prominent doctors, lawyers, journalists, and NGO leaders, men and women.
These debates bring together experts in technology, local government officials, NGO leaders, and business representatives to host discussions on relevant community topics for the public to attend.
It has been called "The Canadian NGO leader in two key areas of food system sustainability: crop genetic diversity and the redesign of pollination strategies".
And Egypt's rulers are prosecuting NGO leaders on trumped up charges.
Shivji argues that despite the good intentions of NGO leaders and activists, he is critical of the "objective effects of actions, regardless of their intentions".
It did stir quite a lot of polemics and mostly condemnation from variety of commentators, including NGO leaders.
The quality of NGO leaders, and training of counselors have also been questioned.
Prominent environmentalists, parliamentarians, business leaders, scientists, and NGO leaders discuss global environmental challenges within the context of sustainable development and other international development goals.
Sessions are taught by rabbis, NGO leaders, academics, and other leaders in the field.
This policy-making body of 21 stakeholders composed of administrators, teachers, student, alumnus, retired teacher, parent, NGO leader, and barangay officials.