He is an elected Member of the International Union of Associations, based in Brussels, which has 45,000 international NGO members.
Its activities range from communication among NGO members and activist campaigning through to lobbying of institutions.
Currently, NEP has 105 NGO members and the numbers are ever-increasing.
It is based on the group's experience while educating NGO members how to improve their work and efficiency via the internet.
The Director reports to a Steering Committee made up of 6 members: 3 from the NGO members and 3 from industry members.
After lifting a travel ban on 17 foreign NGO members, among them 9 Americans, the United States and Egypt began to repair their relations.
The first draft was written by the NGO members of the CCBA and opened to the public for a 3-month comment period in 2004.
In the districts where the Provedoria is not yet established, NGO members often fulfill the role of monitoring rights.
On the other hand, it also notes that NGO members tend to lack journalistic skills to systematically report news about their sector "in a professional way".
Other NGO members, instead of withdrawing support, have critically evaluated FSC's performance and made recommendations to improve the credibility of the organization.