The easygoing capital Dili is a hub for thirsty UN and NGO staff looking for new drinking buddies, and across on sleepy Atauro Island, a fledgling ecotourism scene supports hiking and diving.
The main target groups are CEU students and alumni, local and regional students, NGO staff and activists as well as local and regional NGOs.
The local NGO's director is always a member of TRO, as are many other members of the local NGO staff.
During the reporting period, 11 new municipalities established social assistance teams composed of social workers, police, and NGO staff to provide assistance to potential victims of family violence and trafficking.
"We call on the Egyptian government to resolve this issue immediately and to end harassment of NGO staff as well as return all property," the official said.
Eating is on a pleasant outdoor deck and it's very popular with tour groups and NGO staff.
The tribunal met forest officials, scientists, NGO staff and the Gujjars.
As of June 2006, a total of 137 NGO staff took part in management or investigation workshops.
It called on the Egyptian government "to immediately end the harassment of NGO staff, return all property and resolve this issue."
We call on Egyptian gov to end harassment of NGO staff, return all property.