On the drive from the airport to the NIH campus, Tighe had briefed her on the events of the past day.
Augustine's secretary added that protesters were also on the NIH campus, several thousand of them.
The woman on the NIH campus.
Information about entering the NIH campus, parking, and shuttles is available on the Visitor Security page.
Be aware that visitor parking lots on the NIH campus can fill up quickly.
There is a Metro station on the NIH campus with shuttle bus service to the main buildings.
The station's escalators come out on the NIH campus.
Detailed directions to the NLM and NIH campus are available.
The state highway veers north and becomes a six-lane divided highway at Suburban Hospital, which sits opposite the southern end of the NIH campus.
Funds for research outside the NIH campus are issued in the form of grants through a different division in the given institute.