NY 8 was rerouted in the mid-1970s to follow NY 12 north to its exit with the connector.
Holiday House - a location on NY 28 north of Woodgate.
Dumbarton - A hamlet on NY 46 north of State Bridge.
A portion of NY 103 north of the bridge was undermined by the new course, and it collapsed into the river on September 8.
By 2004, the route was extended northward along two-lane surface streets to intersect NY 46 north of downtown Rome.
In late 1932, the section of NY 205 north of Hartwick was closed to traffic as part of a project to completely reconstruct the road.
In the early 1950s, NY 279 was cut back to its junction with NY 98 north of Albion.
I-390 continues on, encountering NY 15 north of Lakeville and southeast of Avon.
Reference markers for NY 291 north of NY 49 still read "12C".
A replacement designation for NY 47 north of NY 104 was not named at the time.