But the crowd was smaller than the one that gathers around the Naked Cowboy in Times Square on most days.
Well, speaking of family, the Naked Cowboy is my son.
As the Naked Cowboy's popularity grew, Burck began to make appearances in television, music videos, and other popular media.
Some people are amused by the Naked Cowboy, the not-entirely-undressed man who plays guitar in his skivvies.
Watching the Naked Cowboy put on jeans felt kind of weird, though, like learning that there is no Tooth Fairy.
And this is Times Square, where you have the Naked Cowboy.
One hopes that when the Naked Cowboy sees something he will say something, just like our heroic street vendors did.
(Maybe he was trying to get away from the Naked Cowboy.)
Times Square features the familiar bright neon lights, and the Naked Cowboy can be found playing his guitar.
At one time or another, anybody who passes through Times Square sees the Naked Cowboy.