This is not far from Nancy Fraser's critique of the Habermasian public sphere, with regards to the bracketing of personal inequalities.
Nancy Fraser identified the fact that marginalized groups are excluded from a universal public sphere, and thus it was impossible to claim that one group would in fact be inclusive.
By meeting with their friends, they created what feminist critics like Nancy Fraser and Miriam Hansen call "counter publics," groups of disenfranchised people.
This has caused the "counterpublics", as identified by Nancy Fraser, to establish their own public spaces to respond to their own concerns.
Some post-modern feminists such as Nancy Fraser question the assumption of a stable concept of 'woman' which underlies all gynocentrism.
Feminism, Capitalism, and the Cunning of History, lecture by Nancy Fraser (video, 55:33 min.)
Seyla Benhabib is a co-founding former editor and Nancy Fraser a former co-editor.
Nancy Fraser (May 20)
Finally, Nancy Fraser argued that Butler's focus on performativity has distanced her from "everyday ways of talking and thinking about ourselves .
Nancy Fraser, 58, of Bethlehem, N.Y., a well-to-do suburb of Albany, said her daughter would be crushed to hear the news: "She'll have a fit."