By the end of July, after around the clock work, Narragansett Park was prepared to open for business.
After three highly successful years, with record crowds and betting handle, Narragansett Park opened for an abbreviated 19 day spring meet in May 1937.
"The Biscuit" performed at Narragansett Park for two different owners and in two distinct forms.
The star in waiting was given some time off in the winter and then ran at Narragansett Park twice as a 3 yr old.
In total, he ran 7 times at Narragansett Park with 3 wins.
By that time Narragansett Park was over a half million dollars in arrears for back taxes.
The black gelding, foaled in 1878, broke the mile trotting record of 2:10 at Narragansett Park in 1884.
It was harder to attract the best horses to the region and Narragansett Park and the Special declined in prestige.
On August 1, of 1934, 74 days after the state referendum, the famed Narragansett Park opened for horse racing with his help.
Eventually, he became a valet at Narragansett Park in Rhode Island.