His principal adversary was Robert Ballow, a Nashville lawyer who is now The News's chief tactician.
Kenneth Kraus, a Nashville lawyer who has represented both the industry and artists, said that bankruptcy filings were rare.
Some publishers recently hired a Nashville lawyer to look into the recent price increases, according to two publishers briefed on the situation.
Hal D. Hardin, a Nashville lawyer who supports Justice Daughtrey, said the report was flawed.
A Nashville lawyer, James B. Bell, was suspended from practice in 1979 after being convicted of falsifying loan applications.
A former Nashville lawyer convicted of murdering his wife, plotting to kill her parents and stealing from his former law firm was sentenced to 56 years in prison.
In his first Governor's race, in 1974, he donned a business suit and lost to an opponent who cast him as a drab Nashville lawyer.
A Nashville lawyer has already filed a $100 million lawsuit against a funeral home in Cleveland, Tenn., that used Tri-State.
Janet March was an artist and the daughter of a prominent Nashville lawyer, Lawrence Levine.
The federal privacy law "isn't a parent-friendly act," says Kent M. Weeks, a Nashville lawyer who is an expert on the law.