Specifically, the senior executive in the Nashville regional office had a performance expectation for his office to meet a target score of 3.5 for employee satisfaction.
Eight in the Nashville office quit to start their own firm.
Haywood surprised Cashiola at her Nashville office and asked her to wear a blindfold on their drive home.
The label recently opened a Nashville office.
His Nashville offices house the industry spoils of such a rout -43 awards, including two Grammies.
Even as the Nashville office was being cleared, campaign aides said, phone calls were pouring in urging Mr. Gore to stay and fight.
"We lost our identity a little bit," General Manager Floyd Reese said from his Nashville office last week.
Cohen's last major executive position was as head of Dot's Nashville office (1968-1969), which he left after contracting cancer.
"Get me the Nashville office."
His stepfather was a vice president for investment banking in the Nashville office of Hilliard Lyons, a financial services business.