According to the Nassau police, crime in 1989 reportedly dropped 5 percent below 1988 but is rising again.
The Nassau police said they did not have numbers but reported a similar trend.
The Nassau police said they would expand their definition similarly this year.
The Nassau police said that no arrests had been made and that they were still seeking witnesses.
One decision, however, upheld such rules for the Nassau police.
The Nassau police are among the highest paid in the nation, and last year with overtime, patrol officers averaged about $95,000.
She called in two pet psychics and the Nassau police.
Based on a note left behind, the Nassau police said the deaths appeared to be a murder-suicide.
In October 2001, the Nassau police made 540 arrests, up 133, a 33 percent increase from the month before.
Typically, between one-third and one-half of the recruits in every Nassau police academy class are former city officers.