Upon his return to Cairo, Ram is struck by the brutality of the Nasser regime.
Contrary to popular belief, there is no Soviet association or inspiration and the building was not produced by the Nasser regime.
Seeking to expand international contacts, Thompson visited Cairo in an attempt to forge links with the Nasser regime.
It was written in prison, where Qutb spent 10 years under charges of political conspiracy against Egypt's Nasser regime, and first published in 1964.
The ethos and structure of the club were further altered during the Nasser regime.
The Nasser regime sought control over the industry only after turning to socialism in 1961.
Scenarios had been prepared at various levels of the American government in the event that the Europeans acted against the Nasser regime.
Qutb's writings argued that the Nasser regime belonged to the jahiliyya category.
The Nasser regime imprisoned him on December 20, 1954 for his public opposition to the statutes.
The Nasser regime was a major disaster for the Greek diaspora which afterwards has dwindled from many thousands to a handful.