Saratoga Springs is now the home of the National Museum of Dance, the world's only museum dedicated to professional dance.
Programs celebrating the Balanchine centennial may also be seen at the nearby National Museum of Dance in Saratoga (518) 584-2225 ext. 3002 (Dunning).
Another resident of the center, on whose grounds summer visitors once sipped healthful spring water and luxuriated in mudbaths, is the National Museum of Dance.
As a founder of the National Museum of Dance and Hall of Fame, she helped raise over $1.5 million prior to the 1986 opening.
National Museum of Dance and Hall of Fame (United States)
The town is also the site of the National Museum of Dance.
Additional programs and events are presented at the nearby National Museum of Dance.
Also in Saratoga, the National Museum of Dance is celebrating Balanchine's centenary an exhibit and various events.
National Museum of Dance, Saratoga Springs, New York (large Athena)
He mentioned all manner of entertainment, restaurants, special events and museums, but he neglected entirely the National Museum of Dance, where I work as a volunteer.