Later symptoms may be similar to those of natural menopause.
Being a woman who has gone through natural or surgical menopause.
The average age of natural menopause in normal women is approximately 50 years.
But the company is also testing the drug in women who undergo natural menopause.
The natural menopause occurs on average 2 to 3 years earlier in smokers.
She has no future plans to have biological children, and she is many years away from natural menopause.
Endometriosis symptoms and growth will stop when you reach natural menopause at about age 50.
The average age of natural menopause (in Australia) is 51.7 years, although this varies considerably from one woman to another.
Hysterectomy has no long-term advantage over waiting for natural menopause to occur.
After natural menopause, which most women experience by the early 50's, the body's estrogen production diminishes gradually.