Naughty Dog developed three Crash Bandicoot sequels over the next several years.
Naughty Dog have rediscovered an art that seemed lost with those Hollywood adventures.
Naughty Dog do have a few new tricks up their sleeves to make up for it though.
I'm sure Naughty Dog really appreciate the rental too.
If anyone can create one that doesn't involve slaughter, it's probably Naughty Dog.
But you know, Naughty Dog is just shipping the game to be duplicated and sent out to the masses.
Possible developer: It has to be Naughty Dog.
During that time Naughty Dog was bankrupt, and barely had any money to finish the game.
Instead Naughty Dog concentrated their efforts on two main characters in order to create the exact characters they wanted.
Naughty Dog have developed an AI system called "Balance of Power".