The Navy attacked mine-laying craft in the northern gulf, the general said.
Down deep, I didn't think even the French Navy would attack a British boat flying the Royal Yacht Club ensign with four virtuous Americans on board.
The Israeli Navy even attacked some of Egypt's northernmost SAM batteries.
During the Napoleonic Wars, in 1801 and again in 1807, the British Navy attacked Copenhagen.
The British Navy attacked the Dardanelles on 3 November and the other Allies declared was on 5 November.
On June 3, 1942, the Japanese Navy attacked Dutch Harbor.
Warspite was still at the shipyard when the Japanese Navy attacked Pearl Harbor.
The first was at the Battle of Latakia where the Israeli Navy attacked Syrian ships and coastal targets using their guns and missiles.
Later, the Navy, with Naval Infantry support, attacked the "Blue Ward" of El Frontón, which was where Shining Path terrorist members were imprisoned.
Your Navy would never attack another nation over a derelict and be condemned by every country in the world for instigating an act of war.