The trained Navy gunners loaded so fast they fired two shots to the Army's one.
They put a Navy gunnery officer and 26 Navy gunners on these merchant ships.
And yet there was much truth in what the Navy gunner had said.
The Navy gunner's mate who has been a key figure in the investigation of the explosion aboard the battleship Iowa said today that he thought it was caused by an inexperienced, hastily assembled crew.
The Fleet Gunnery School trained thousands of Navy gunners.
In World War II he was a Navy gunner in a bomber squadron, and in 1946 he returned to the railroad as an agent-telegrapher.
The Navy gunners pounded it into her all the way down, then turned back to watch the Brandenburg hit 6,000 feet below.
Almost all of her Navy gunners were wounded, and merchant seamen manned the .
Charles Ball, Navy gunner with the Chesapeake Bay Flotilla, born a slave in Maryland.
The Navy gunners were aided by the unusual fact that their targets, for once, were perfectly stationary.