The information was passed on to a Navy investigator, who contacted America Online.
In one briefing, a Navy investigator reported that between 1998 and 2000, two Osprey caught fire after hydraulic lines broke.
The disappearance is attributed by Navy investigators to navigational error leading to the aircraft running out of fuel.
The woman, whom the officials declined to name, is now cooperating with Navy investigators.
She said the Navy investigators' report offered no opinion about the homosexuality issue.
As a father, he says, he knew some things that Navy investigators, with all their reports, interviews and theories, could never know.
The methods used by the Navy investigators raise questions about the study's thoroughness.
In November 2010, Navy investigators discovered rampant cheating taking place on training exams among the sub's crew.
During the investigation, Navy investigators accused the marines of meeting secretly with Soviet women.
But Sergeant Soto later told Navy investigators he was never in the bar.