The Navy issued a one-sentence statement that it would comply with today's order.
In February 2010 the Navy joined the program and issued their own requirements.
In 1897, the French Navy issued a new doctrine for gunnery control.
They almost fit, probably the smallest that the Navy issued.
The Navy immediately issued a call for rescue and salvage divers to report for duty.
The Navy later issued a statement saying that Mann was still in his position at the range.
Instead, the Navy issued a request for proposals for a three-ship maintenance contract.
The Navy issued specifications for a battlecruiser design to complete part of the 28 capital ships to be built by 1920.
The Navy issued a statement saying that the submarines appeared to have left their home areas last month and were being monitored by American forces.
In February 2010, the Navy issued a request for information to the aviation industry.