I realize from the newspapers that the Iranian Navy put the entire thing down, officially, to an accident.
I can get the Navy to put everyone on a heightened alert, for some spurious reason.
By May 1992, the Navy had put in place a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment.
By now, he fit the slot in which the Navy had put him.
"It'll be a great day when the Navy puts some of these into commission, Tom!"
Preparing for an attack, the Navy puts a bomb in between and hangs it under the wing of a fighter.
What the Navy cannot put aboard the Truman is a full crew.
Rather, the Navy could put certain kinds of pressure on me until I talk $ou into doing that.
They argue that the Navy had put too much money into ships too soon.
We have a background within - the Navy has put a great deal of effort into the tactical control station; you're all familiar with that.