The title tale is a love story about a Navy submariner, Timmy, and his new wife, Meg.
But Dr. McLaren, a retired Navy submariner, explored it on three expeditions, the last as commander of his own sub.
"If we hadn't done the renavigation, they would have come home empty-handed," said David W. Jourdan, president of Meridian and a former Navy submariner.
A high-ranking Navy submariner said the force was "not worried about" the Chinese espionage because the detection technology is "still of such limited practical use."
Grumman selected a Navy submariner named Don Kazimir to be captain.
Today every Navy submariner has to come to Groton at some point, because of the presence of the Naval Submarine School on the base.
INS Virbahu, a submarine base commissioned on 19 May 1971, is the alma matar of the Indian Navy submariners.
Somewhere down there were the bodies of over a hundred Navy submariners.
I brought a crew of Navy submariners with me to salvage the Starbuck.
The people who stopped flying the Jolly Roger in 2003 were British Navy submariners.