This was one of the largest and fastest force mobilisations that the Indian Navy has undertaken.
De Florez, who has been credited with over sixty inventions, urged the Navy to undertake development of "synthetic training devices" to increase readiness.
Navies also undertake hydrographic surveys and intelligence gathering.
The Indian Navy has undertaken an extensive rearmament and modernization program.
Over a decade was to pass before the Navy seriously undertook the development of target drones and pilotless aircraft.
Since the Tailhook debacle the Navy, along with the other military services, has undertaken a program to combat sexual harassment.
This was only a temporary solution, however, and in 1966 the Navy undertook a wholesale revision of its material organization.
De Florez championed the use of "synthetic training devices" and urged the Navy to undertake development of such devices to increase readiness.
It was one of the few actions the Romanian Navy undertook to support the siege.
But some American defense experts wondered why the Navy was undertaking such provocative maneuvers at a time when the former Soviet military had all but stood down.