Women can fly any Air Force or Navy warplane that men do.
The J-52 engines, which are used on several front-line Navy warplanes, were among 300 whose records have been checked this month.
Women were first allowed to fly combat missions in Navy warplanes last year.
The Navy, which owned the 3,000-acre property where Grumman built and tested Navy warplanes for 40 years, give it to the town in 1998.
When Navy warplanes roar off the flight deck of this aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf, their official mission is to patrol the no-flight zone in southern Iraq.
After years enduring the thunder of the Navy warplanes that Grumman built and serviced at Calverton, some nearby residents wanted no flights at all.
President Bush flew out to the giant aircraft carrier dressed in full fighter-pilot regalia as the "co-pilot" of a Navy warplane.
French Navy warplanes retaliated to the barracks bombings by striking Iranian Revolutionary Guard in the Beqaa Valley in November.
At the request of the United States Rubber Company, she invented and manufactured forms for self-sealing gasoline tanks for Navy warplanes.