He died at age 74 at Nazareth Hospital in Philadelphia and was cremated.
After being rushed to Nazareth Hospital in nearby Philadelphia, he died in the evening of a pulmonary hemorrhage and massive head wounds.
They are sorted, packed and dispatched from Edinburgh to mission hospitals including the Nazareth Hospital.
Bradley died at the Nazareth Hospital on July 24, 1986 at the age of 76.
Lexington Park is also home to Nazareth Hospital.
He was a doctor, working at Nazareth Hospital and several other government-owned medical facilities in the state.
The Nazareth Hospital is the general hospital of the city of Nazareth, Israel.
After almost 150 years, the Nazareth Hospital and nursing school are still operational.
John Zeller, the pastor of the church, assisted Vartan with his work in founding the Nazareth Hospital.
With the help of his colleague John Zeller he founded the Nazareth Hospital in a small rented house in 1879.