After the war, as a result of its Nazi activities, the institute was nearly dissolved.
It proved unable to deal with the rising tide of Nazi activity in the 1930s, and it was disbanded in 1939.
Berchtesgaden was an area of early Nazi activity.
After discovering information about Nazi activities in occupied France he is captured and executed.
Zenzinger ensured that he obtained papers after the war to show that he was never involved in Nazi activities.
At the war's end in 1945, the orchestra expelled ten of its members for Nazi activity; two were re-hired in ensuing years.
Upon his release in 1937, he renewed Nazi activities and had to flee to avoid another arrest.
These Nazi activities were a part of the Gleichschaltung starting in 1933.
Later during the visit, Eyal runs into Menachem, whose family was also killed by the grandfather's Nazi activities.