Little is known about the couple in the months that followed the Nazi and Romanian attack on the Soviet Union.
While in Vienna she saw some of the Nazi attacks on the Jewish population and was horrified.
I'd just heard it was a Nazi attack when your pet policeman came to fetch me.
From the start of 1934 there was a new wave of Nazi terrorist attacks in Austria.
In September 1941, three months after the Nazi attack, the last antireligious periodicals were shut down (officially because of a paper shortage.
Soviet propaganda claimed that the Nazi attack was unex-pected.
The plot concerns the heroes foiling Nazi attacks on American shipping.
Nazi attacks against Jews often coincided with Jewish festivals.
But the Nazi attacks upon so-called "Jewish" books were organized by the state, which made it illegal for Germans to own the texts.
Polish rule over the provinces ended in 1939, following Nazi and Soviet attack.